ISfAR2024 is an international refereed conference that is dedicated to the advancement of the world of research.

It provides a platform to share and deliberate on research and innovative scholarly ideas about research in all fields.

Through conferences and publications, scholars can network, debate, and stimulate research and innovative ideas for sustainable development.

All the articles are subjected to a rigorous blind peer review process, and only successful articles will be published in a special edition of a journal accredited by the Department of South African Higher Education and Training (DHET); and in Jahazi: a journal of humanities and social sciences with ISSN: 2953-2620 (Print); ISSN: 2953-2639 (Online).

We invite action researchers, community activists, practitioners in education, healthcare, and human services, youth workers, culture workers, university faculty and students, and interested individuals from community-based organizations and initiatives to submit an abstract based on the 2024 Annual conference theme.

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